When we started homeschooling one thing that was very important to me, was to start creating some fun traditions with our children and family.
Homeschooling is giving us so many opportunities to create memories together, and to be more intentional as parents. Even though they are still little and some days are busier than others. I have been loving all the moments that we have been creating so far this second year of homeschooling.
A bilingual poetry time plus thirty minutes of reading aloud every day after naps has been one of my favorites. Our kindergartener is usually very happy after her naps or quiet time.
Every month we will be learning two new poems, one in English and one in Spanish. Last month our daughter learned this beautiful Poem from Margaret Colton called "The Valley of Grump" from her Language Level K curriculum from "The Good and The Beautiful". And then she also learned "Dame la mano", from the famous poet Gabriela Mistral. We are using Arco Iris de Poesias, poemas de las Américas y España book.
We reviewed these poems every day and memorized them while having some Tea time and made handcrafts while we also read aloud. This is so wonderful for us because we get to bond together, learn something new and expand our vocabulary in English and Spanish!
Last month she was so happy to recited them to her grandparents that were visiting before traveling to Argentina for an LDS mission.
This is a wonderful way to bond with our children, and at the same grow their vocabulary and introduce them to different Poets around the world.
Porque hablo espanol,
puedo oÃr los cuentos de mi abuelita
y decir familia, madre, amor.
Porque hablo inglés,
puedo aprender de mi maestra
y decir I love you school.
Porque soy bilingüe,
puedo leer libros, y books,
tengo amigos y friends,
disfruto canciones y songs,
juegos y games,
y me divierto el doble.
Y algún dÃa,
porque se hablar dos idiomas,
podré hacer el doble de cosas,
ayudar al doble de personas
y hacer lo que hago el doble de bien.
- Alma Flor Ada