We started our second year of Bilingual homeschooling with our oldest daughter. She is 4 1/2 full of energy and loving Kindergarten so far!
We passed the hardest, busiest week of the year last week. It seems like it is always so hard when we start school again, because I need to figure out the new schedule with both of our children. One of them is 18 months who need two naps, school subjects for our daughter, library days, nature days, lunchs, dinners, morning times, reading time, etc...
I won't lie it was hard but by Thursday it seems like this momma got it all figured out.
As I said this before, I never thought I will homeschool but since we started last year, I have been loving every second of it. Spending quality time with them, seeing the joy of learning new things every day, going to bed super tired at night but knowing that I'm doing what I'm suppose to be doing with my children is my happiness and joy as a bilingual mom.
Here you have a few things that we will be using this 2018 - 2019 Kindergarten year as a bilingual homeschooling.
For English Math and Languages we are using "The Good and The Beautiful" such a fun, beautiful curriculum! This mom can't get enough of this. Such a complete and beautiful way to teach!
For Spanish I'm using a Curriculum from Chile (I'm from Chile and my children have dual citizenship). This is why we are able to teach this curriculum and have the real deal on a Bilingual education.
Many of my followers asked me daily about different Spanish curriculum, well here you have one of my favorite sites to go to if your children are already bilingual or wanted to learn from the beginner.
It is a little expensive but worth it! I was thinking of getting these curriculum before I was able to talk to the Department of Education of Chile to get their curriculums for our children.
Santillana USA is a great place to go to find quality Spanish curriculum and material to teach your children Spanish.
Library always has great resources as well to find some good quality Spanish books. Many of the ones that you see here are from my local library.
Amazon is another good site, I usually go to Amazon.es (Amazon España) to find good books like the one from "Mira debajo de tu cuerpo" it usually takes 12 days to get here but it is ok with me.
All about learning is wonderful for Spanish handwriting books. I bought ours there this year. They have great workbooks for "caligrafía " I'm in love with them all.
These are just a few things that I'm using right now, I will keep blogging for you to have some extra ideas and places to shop for Spanish materials. You can always check my IG for more information, I post often about our bilingual homeschooling there and I would love to get in touch with you!
" I know bilingual is better, because I'm living proof"