As a bilingual mom I could say that yes they are. Even though I think every child is smart in their own way and every child has different gifts and ways of learning, there is something especial about bilingual children.
Before becoming a mom I met this amazing Chilean-German family, they have a kid that spoke three languages; German, Spanish and English. I remember this kid translating for his grandmother from Spanish to English, and then he would switch to speak German to his Dad as if it were nothing. I have always been so impressed by him and his abilities to speak three languages so easily.
I never thought I could do this until we had our first daughter and I started seeing all the amazing little gifs that bilingualism brings.
1. Bilingual Kids are able to process two languages from a very young age.
Research shows that bilingual babies can already tell the difference between words in their two languages. Learning two languages at the same time enhances their cognitive control system well before the onset of speech. One research showed that toddlers not only know that they are hearing two different languages, but they can tell them apart. I can see this with our second child who is now fifteen months old and he understands everything we tell him in English or Spanish.
2. The brain of bilinguals has cognitive enrichment
Brains of bilingual kids are different to other children. Research on the brain shows that the brain of a child who speaks a second language has cognitive enrichment.
In fact in one study, brain scans showed that people who spoke only one language had to work harder to focus on a single word. It also suggested that bilingual people are more efficient at higher-level brain functions such as ignoring other irrelevant information.
3. Bilinguals have two different sets of vocabulary
Bilingual kids have more than one word to describe each object or feeling. They are not sacrificing one language to learn another, but gaining another skill. Each language a person speaks is a skill, and the more skills you have could suggest the smarter you are.
4. Being bilingual means having a different perspectives
Bilingual kids could be considered naturally “street smart” in another way. They have another whole perspective. With languages comes culture and understanding of others. Bilingual kids could be considered smarter in this way.
There are few advantages to being raised with multiple languages I have seeing it with my children in our every day life.
Whether you think bilingual kids are smarter or not, there is no denying the benefits of bilingualism and the advantages bilingual kids have in life. Raising a bilingual child isn’t the easiest road in life, but it is definitely worth it.
“One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.” -Frank Smith