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"Spanish Resources for Bilingual Children"

I cannot believe that we just FINISHED our first year of homeschooling! It was definitely a great year for our first Preschooler and soon to be Kindergartener. I'm so excited for this new year to come as I am also a little bit overwhelmed with all the curriculums out there. Mostly in English, we are fortunate to live in a great country with wonderful resources for our Homeschoolers. But it is hard to say the same for Spanish.

For our Bilingual family (English-Spanish), I'm really looking to get great educational materials for our children. After much prayer, looking and more prayer I was lucky enough to find some great SPANISH RESOURCES for our children.

A year ago our family was in Washington D.C. my husband a I decided to get our children a double citizenship, the process was short and free for them. We really wanted our children to be chilenos-americanos, for so many reasons. Our bilingual family isn't just about the language, it is also about the culture, background and future opportunities.

Well, a week ago I was able to contact the Department of Education of Chile and I explained to them that our homeschooling situation needed some extra Spanish material for our children, they were kind enough to give me all their text books and workbooks for 2018 for our children.

I couldn't believe it! Our children will be able to study with the chilean's curriculums as they will be doing it with the Americans ones. How exciting is that? All my prayers and research were finally over (until now).

I was able to find a good friend that help me with some extra Spanish resources that I will be able to share with you here!

As a bilingual homeschooling mom I know how hard is to find great, educational, complete Spanish resources for our children. I'm so glad that I will be able to share with you some of my research for you to use them with your kids and learn the right way!

These are just a few for you to begin with, Preschool, Kindergarten, First and second grade. These are completely in Spanish. I will soon make another post with some extra bilingual resources for those of you that are starting to learn the language or wanted to introduce Spanish to your kids or family in general.





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